Anne Hathaway is totally inappropriate

I don’t know what’s going on in these pictures of Anne Hathaway vacationing in Italy, but it looks really inappropriate. Well, if you consider giving your boyfriend a blowjob in front of his friends inappropriate. But really why would you? Huh, grandma? Are you some sort of prude? Maybe you’d be happier if she was wearing a one piece and covering up with a towel? Man, you old geezers are so out of touch. This is what kids do these days. They have sex in public. They also kick defenseless pets, murder babies, and break into your home to do drugs right on your bed. And it’s all because of video games.

A ton more of Anne Hathaway being a great girlfriend after the jump.

NOTE: I can’t actually tell if she’s giving him a blowjob, but their positioning and his expression speak volumes. Plus I like making stuff up about complete strangers with absolutely no proof. So there’s also that.

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