Firehead from 1991 filmed in Alabama

Firehead (1991)

Firehead was directed by Peter Yuval in 1991 and written by Jeffrey Mandel. The movie was filmed in Mobile, Alabama, USA and offers you a mix of action and Thriller. The main actors are Christopher Plummer as Col. Vaughn, Chris Lemmon as Warren Hart and Martin Landau as Adm. Pendleton. Even though the movie got some good actors the movie and the plot is really bad.

The plot is about Col. Vaughn (Christopher Plummer) is working as a chemist at a laboratory. One day a Russian cyborg with telekinetic powers terrorizes the city and the government wants Col. Vaughn to stop the crazy killing machine. After a while Col. Vaughn finds out that the cyborg is stronger than expected and it is up to Col. Vaughn to save the world from pain and suffering.

Christopher Plummer plays as the main actor in this movie. He fills out the role well and if the movie spent a little bit more on hire better writers, it could actually been an okay movie after all. Martin Landau’s performance was also good and we can witness exactly why 3 years later he won the Oscar for Best Actor in a Supporting Role in Ed Wood. Overall a good cast in a poor movie production.

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