Love Liza (2002)

Love Liza is a comedy / drama movie directed by award winning Todd Louiso. The film was released in late 2002 but I am not exactly sure which date. The movie was filmed in Mobile Alabama and they manage to show some landscape here but far from much. The movie won 2 awards and got 3 nominations. The 2 awards were from Chlotrudis Award and Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award for best supporting actor Jack Kehler and Gordy Hoffman. The cast is however not familiar but not unfamiliar either. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Kathy Bates and J.D. Walsh are some of the actors you will see in this movie. Philip Seymour Hoffman is an excellent actor and he really brings this movie to life. He got a Oscar for best leading role in Capote in 2005 and here he shows what made him get this far and get his Oscar.

The story is about Wilson Joel. His wife just killed himself and we follow Wilson Joel on his journey to get new happiness in his life. His mother-in-law is there for him, but her sympathies turn quickly. After a while Wilson gets into the drug business but before its to late his life will shine again.

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