Palmer’s Pick Up (1999)

Palmers Pick up was directed by Christopher Coppola which is a rather unknown biker/director. The filming of the movie took place in Alabama but I cannot say exactly where. The cast of the film is mixed, some are complete amateurs and some are at a slightly higher level. In the main role as Bruce Palmer we have Robert Carradine. Other actors from the cast are Richard Hillman, Patrick Kilpatrick, Rosanna Arquette and Talia Shire.

The film is supposed to be a comedy but it is not funny not even once. I thought the movie was trying to be a mixture of Pulp Fiction, a road trip film, Dumb and Dumber, and the Prophecy. That may sound cool but believe me it is not because it really does not work well together.

I would not recommend the movie simply because of a bad plot which is only confusing and not funny. This was really a failure and it’s a shame that the film was recorded in Alabama. They don’t even show some of the beautiful landscape Alabama has to offer. One of the main reasons I love movies from Alabama is simply because of the environment and the stung nature most of the movies which are filmed there uses but this one don’t show much.

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