Raspberries & Gooey Chocolate Muffins

My sister-in-law accompanied me to a forest the other day, where there were loads of raspberries. In other words – “a raspberry forest”. I would never go alone, because they are not easy to pick. There are brown bears in the forests, but I am not afraid of them. I am more concerned about my legs, my ancles, my wrists or so. You have to watch your steps to avoid falling.

After five hours fighting in thorny thickets, I went home again with nearly 6 kg (ab. 13 pounds) sweet tasting raspberries.

Into the freezer they went, packed and labeled, waiting for rebirth. The most beautiful raspberries were placed in one layer on a tray. They went into the freezer for a couple of hours. When frozen, the berries were put into a freezer container, waiting for future treats.

Chocolate Muffins (a dessert for 6 people)

* 150 g dark chocolate
* 100 g butter
* 2 eggs
* 1 dl (100 ml) sugar
* 2 teaspoons orange zest, grated
* 1 dl (100 ml) flour

* 50 g dark chocolate, whipped cream, raspberries

1. Preheat oven to 180° C [= 350° F]
2. Grease a muffin tin or 6 large muffin paper cups.
3. Melt chocolate & butter in a large heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of almost simmering water.
4. Beat eggs and sugar until light and fluffy.
5. Fold in the chocolate batter and orange zest.
6. Finally fold in sieved flour.
7. Pour batter into the muffin cups.
8. Bake in the centre of the oven for about 15 minutes.
9. The muffins should be sticky in the middle.

1. Melt chocolate and spread it evenly on top of cooled muffins.
2. Serve the muffins with raspberries and whipped cream.

Wild raspberries are extremely fragile; easily crushed and bruised. If you are going to pick your own; use small containers. Otherwise you end up with a terrible mess of mashed raspberries.

I am living in another mess right now. My husband and I recently started a renovating project of our house. So, if I am not writing blog posts, you know, that´s why.


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