Roses Are for the Rich from Alabama

Roses Are for the Rich (1987)

Roses are for the rich is a drama movie directed by Michael Miller and it was released on 17 May 1987. The movie was filmed in Birmingham, Alabama, USA and it was a good hit when it was released. The cast of the movie is rather unknown except for Bruce Dern who played Douglas Osborne in the movie. Bruce Dern has won many prices for best actor and in this movie he shows us exactly why he won those prices. However the main roles are played by Betty Buckley as Ella and Mary Conley as Hostess.

The story happens in a small town in Alabama called Appalachia. Autumn’s husband got killed in a mysterious mine explosion she blames Douglas Osborne for this since he is the owner of the mine and dedicates her life to destroy his. She fails to ruin Douglas Osborne’s business and ends up marrying him but certainly not for the right reasons like love.

Bruce Dern offers a great screenplay is this movie and he really takes the movie to another level. The movie is like a very long soap opera but it is still worth to check it out as Bruce Dern shows his acting skills.

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