Secrets of the Phantom Caverns in Alabama

Secrets of the Phantom Caverns (1984)

Secrets of the Phantom Caverns also know as What Waits Below was directed by Don Sharp and released 21 November 1985. This was one of Don Sharp latest movies and it goes under the Action/Horror genre. The cast are rather unknown except for Timothy Bottoms which played the role of Maj. Elbert Stevens. The movie was filmed on two different places first in McMinnville, Tennessee, USA. When they were done shooting here they changed location to Woodville, Alabama, USA in the Lemurian Caves.

The plot works great for a horror movie and basically the film is about The US government used deep caves as bases for special radio transmissions. One day the signal from the transmitters in the cave stop and a group of soldiers get sent to the cave to check it out. After some exploring in the cave they find a hidden tribe with people or cavemen. These men has been isolated from the rest of the world for thousand of years, and they are not to happy with the soldiers entering their cave.
This film strong side is the story as described here and not the acting for that sake. The movie offers some scary scenes and keeps you very focused about what will happen next.

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