The scary movie Bloodlines filmed in Alabama

Bloodlines (2007)

Bloodlines were directed by Stephen Durham and Masao Kingi. Stephen Durham is a new director and this was the first film he ever directed. It is easy to see that the movie has some faults because of this but overall it is still an acceptable film. The movie was released on 31 July 2007 (USA). The filming of the movie took place on many different locations but most importantly in Alabama, USA. The film also offers many good landscape and nature scenes from Alabama so it is worth to take a look at it. The cast of the movie is nothing special we have actors like Grace Johnston, Jason Padgett and Tracy Kay Wolfe. They all do an okay job here especially Grace Johnston I really like her performance in this film.

Here is some of the story: In the sticks of Kentucky a demented family of inbreds begins the process of cleaning up their blood line. They start to find out many scary and interesting things about their bloodline. The movie may sound boring but I think it was quite entertaining and fun. Especially when they end up in the creepy woods deep in Alabama. This was a creepy and interesting movie indeed.

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